DIY Vanilla Salt and Vanilla Extract (2024)

by Joy the Baker 84 Comments

I’m stocking up. I’m trying to be less of a disaster. I’m trying to be thoughtful and prepared.

The road from this to that is paved with vanilla beans!

It’s time to get prepared for the holiday gift-giving season! We need to be prepared with little tokens of love and holiday spirit from now until the very end of December. Totally. It’s true. Hostess gifts, little gems for the mailman, a present for the landlord, a surprise gift for that neighbor you called in a panic past midnight because an opossum set off your sensor light outside and you’re convinced that someone is going to murder you… we need gifts to give, stat.

I’m slowly starting to stock up on this year’s holiday gifts. I’m like a Doomsday Prepper, without the guns and camouflage, and with more cute jars.

Let’s make our own vanilla salt and vanilla extract! We’ll look like gifting pros. Bandwagon: hop on!

DIY Vanilla Salt and Vanilla Extract (3)

Original photography shot with the Canon EOS 5D Mark III digital SLR. The filmmaker’s camera.

Maybe you’re reading this thinking to yourself… vanilla SALT!?

Yes. Vanilla Salt.

One of my most treasured baking ingredients (besides butter) is salt. Salt is our great balancer. It can’t all be sugar and butter and sugar and butter. We need salt to balance out the sweetness and accentuate the flavors of our baked goods.

I substitute vanilla salt in most of my baking recipes. It adds a nice little kick to things like pudding, cookie doughs, and caramel sauces.

This particular vanilla salt is made of coarse grey sea salt, so it’s best used in dishes that the salt can dissolve into, or dishes that you want to find a hint of extra salt in. I really like Vanilla Salt sprinkled on top of these Dark Chocolate and Pistachio Cookies.

Of course, Vanilla Salt can also be made using a finer grain sea salt.

DIY Vanilla Salt

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Here’s what you’ll need:

Madagascar Vanilla Beans from Beanilla(I find these to be really great beans!)

Grey Celtic Sea Salt

Small Square Glass Jarsor theseSmall Square Hinge Top Jars

Split vanilla beans vertically down the center of the bean and scrape out the moist seeds. Rub the vanilla beans into a small bowl of sea salt. Rub it in. Disperse the seeds. I used about 1 bean per 3/4 cup of salt. Fill small jars with vanilla scented salt. Toss in a small piece of the used vanilla bean pod for good measure. It will help keep the salt extra vanilla-y. Vanilla salt will last forever and a day.

DIY Vanilla Salt and Vanilla Extract (4)

Now let’s talk about Vanilla Extract! It’s a staple in my kitchen. It’s also my perfume (totally normal).

I love making my own Vanilla Extract because I can make it exactly what it needs to be: strongly vanilla and heavily boozy. Having a bottle of homemade vanilla extract on hand is also really helpful when you use vanilla beans for a recipe and don’t know what to do with the pods. Just throw the used pods into the vanilla bean jar, top it off with booze, and you’ll always have extract on hand.

These little jars also make lovely gifts. Nothing says “I care” to a baker like vanilla beans and booze.

DIY Vanilla Extract

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Here’s what you’ll need:

Madagascar Vanilla Beans from Beanilla(I find these to be really great beans!)

4 oz Round Glass Bottles

Your choice of alcohol: bourbon, vodka, or rum. It’s entirely up toyour taste. I love the depth that bourbon adds to my extract (and my life).

Split vanilla beans vertically down the center of the bean and scrape out the moist seeds. Place seedsin a clean bottles. Add the scraped vanilla bean pod to the bottle as well. Fill the bottle with the alcohol of your choice. I used about 2 bean per 4 ounces of alcohol. If you’re using larger than 4oz bottles, add a few more vanilla beans to the jar. Place the lid on the bottle and shake. Allow the bottle to steep for at least 6 weeks before using. I store my extract in a cool, dry place before using or gifting. Extract will last indefinitely. Just add more vanilla bean pods and top off with alcohol as the extract bottle empties.

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  1. recipesask

    Awesome recipe..and specially the recipe pics and the way it has been explained hoe to make it.Thank you very much for posting such type of recipe..And waiting for your next post..


  2. Andria

    Joy – I made the vanilla extract and I am nearing the 6 week mark here pretty soon to use, but when I take my extract out to shake it, there is a ton of flotsam going on (scraped seeds I imagine). Am I supposed to strain the extract to eliminate the floaters before using? Giving some as gifts, and while I know it is most likely seeds glorious seeds, will it alter the longevity of the vanilla flavor if I strain for my presents? I worry that black floating particles will freak them out.


  3. Audrey Swan

    I have a couple jars of this “marinating” or what have you on my counter right now! Thanks for the homemade gift idea.


  4. Jaclyn (Popover)

    I made vanilla sugar for a gift last year, but this would be a complete surprise for someone!


  5. aryder

    I just discovered and you and my life has became immediately better. I’m making the vanilla salt and extract right this minute! I mean really. I am. But after one day, my extract is already cloudy whereas yours is clear and lovely. Why is that? Should I filter it somehow? Thanks for the tips!


  6. Lindsey

    Random question–do you worry about sterilizing the bottle caps for your vanilla?


  7. Libre

    As a fellow Venice resident, I laughed out loud at this: “a surprise gift for that neighbor you called in a panic past midnight because an opossum set off your sensor light outside and you’re convinced that someone is going to murder you…”

    I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. My world too – sensor light going off all hours of the night, convinced it is something else. We got ourselves a ‘possum problem round here. (ugh!)


    • joythebaker

      it’s always a dang possum and i always think it’s a murderer!


  8. Kristen

    This is great, Joy! By the way, are you going to post the “recipe” for the homemade lip balms (or at least that’s what they looked like) that appeared in your Instagram feed?


  9. Jayne

    I kinda want to do the vanilla extract but we don’t take alcohol. Argh!


  10. Cate

    Amazing, i need to do this just for me, i had no idea how easy it was to make extract! thank you! x


  11. Shinee

    I learn something new every time I read your blog, Joy! Thank you so much!
    I’m gonna try to make vanilla salt. :)


  12. Edyta

    You’ve got great blog. I love to be here. :)


  13. Amanda @ Once Upon a Recipe

    i love giving homemade gifts for the holidays. i made homemade vanilla extract a couple of years ago and everyone who received a bottle adored it. i hope i can get my act together to make it again this year!


  14. Kasey

    I could totally imagine using vanilla salt on salt cookies..YUM!


  15. fedandfit

    I am so doing this. Amazon here I come!


  16. Amy

    I LOVE the Bourbon idea — wondering what type you use? Must it be a top-shelf bottle? Thanks for the great idea!


  17. Sasha | Global Table Adventure

    Love the vanilla salt idea… Mom taught me to dab vanilla extract on my wrists and behind my ears. Nice to see someone else use vanilla as “perfume”!


  18. Monica

    Lovely post and pictures, as usual, Joy! I second what you said about Beanilla. I’ve also had good experiences with their bean. They are nice and plump, and affordable. You’ve given me great ideas on what to do with all the vanilla beans I ordered during the last sale. : )


  19. Magdaléna

    I’ve just made my vanilla extract and I’m so excited :). The idea of salt is absolutely great :)


  20. Kathleen

    You are a Joy!!! Vanilla salt…..can’t wait to make it and give as a gift along with the vanilla extract! I make vanilla sugar as well, so now I can give away a Vanilla Three-some! Thanks a ton Joy!


  21. Barbara

    How often do you need to replace the vanilla pods in the extract? And do you need to let sit for 6 weeks after replacing one?


  22. Alexe @ Keys to the Cucina

    Infusing salt with anything id always a great gift :) I’m going to try your vanilla salt, sounds delicious!


  23. kitchen afternoon

    terrific! just the thing for my racks of pears drying everywhere!


  24. yummybooks

    My grandma used vanilla extract as her perfume! I remember her saying, “men love it, it reminds them of their mama’s home cooking.”

    In retrospect, attracting that kind of guy seems like a really creepy, bad idea.


  25. Lisa

    We had quite a few gifted bottles of Poire William from Switzerland; which I made into vanilla.
    For a large bottle it took at least 6 vanilla beans and needed a good couple of months to really be infused – but wow what an amazing flavour. For baking or even lightly warmed on ice cream.
    It goes to show you that those bottles of never used booze/liquors(I know what?) can easily be turned into vanilla.


  26. shelly@ohshellsbells

    thats it. everyone is getting homemade vanilla for christmas this year.


  27. Becca at Cookie Jar Treats

    Wow this is awesome! The idea of vanilla salt is a little odd, but if you say it’s awesome, then it must be :)


  28. Selma's Table

    Love, love love the idea of vanilla salt – genius!! Not sure I will want to gift the jars out though! Thank you for another fabulous idea, JtB!

  29. Marisa B

    love this I will try, was thinking of a DIY Christmas this year….Thank you


  30. Ellen

    Wow, I’ve made vanilla extract, and I’ve heard of vanilla sugar, but never thought of vanilla salt. Very cool.


  31. Kelster

    Approximately how many beans per jar?


    • Bethany

      Good question!


    • joythebaker

      i used about two beans per 4 oz jar. beanilla beans are pretty generous in their yield so this was enough.


  32. Kezia

    I think my friends would think I was plain crazy if I gave them vanilla salt for Christmas, but that just means more for me, right? And I never knew that homemade vanilla extract was so easy to make!


  33. Nelly Ritchie

    Vanilla Salt?! Mind blown.


  34. Lesley

    Vanilla salt so sounds like my kinda thing. How many vanilla beans do you use for each recipe? I have no clue.


  35. Jessica (bakecetera)

    i’ve been meaning to make my own extract for so long – thanks for the recipe! it looks beautiful and boozy :D!


  36. AmandaKS

    Hi Joy, how many vanilla beans do you put in the extract initially (along with the ~4oz of alcohol)?


    • guest

      She mentions it in the post. 2 beans per 4oz.


  37. Julie

    Love the vanilla salt idea! And I just learned that warming your booze will kick start the steeping process. So smart!


  38. Carla Elliott

    I am so ready to hop on this vanilla salt bandwagon. I’m seeing this pair very well with chocolate dipped shortbread


  39. Mallory @ Because I Like Chocolate

    I love the vanilla salt idea, it would be perfect sprinkled on plain old chocolate chip cookies! Or caramels for that matter!


    • Gill Nye

      Ooooooo that sounds delicious


  40. Michelle @ A Healthy Mrs

    I love this — what a great gift! Vanilla beans for everybody!! :)


  41. Amy

    My best friends are both total foodies and I am planning on making them baskets of unusual foodie things this Christmas – perfect timing as always Miss Joy! Also planning on making Tracy’s strawberry infused vodka! Any other ideas? Thanks for sharing and welcome back to LA :)


  42. Laura (Tutti Dolci)

    How gorgeous is your extract and yes please to vanilla salt!



  1. […] LET’S make Vanilla Salt and Vanilla Extract – Bonus Cool Gifting idea […]


  2. […] Ingredients (sugar adapted from Beanilla and salt from Joy the Baker): […]


  3. […] Ingredients (sugar adapted from Beanilla and salt from Joy the Baker): […]


  4. […] Vanilla sugar (similarly try vanilla salt!) […]


  5. […] Vanilla extract / Hazelnut butter / Almond Milk/Dark chocolate / Harissa / Feta We are so used to having everything made and packaged and put on shelves for us that we sometimes forget we could actually make them ourselves. Especially the foods we consider “basics”. Not that I consider hazelnut butter a basic, nor chocolate, but I’m sure you get what I mean. Wait, do you? […]


  6. […] vanilla bean sea salt (I used Jacobsen, but you can make your own) […]


  7. […] DIY Vanilla Salt and Vanilla Extract By Joy The Baker […]


  8. […] Vanilla. I took a cue from Joy the Baker and starting making my own (the first batch was bourbon vanilla). A while back, we had picked up a […]


  9. […] We are already huge fans of Ashley’s blog and her new line of cookie mixes. This festive Christmas cookie is available as a mix to buy, she has included the recipe so you can whip them up from scratch if you choose. To learn how to make vanilla salt (it’s super easy) read this tutorial. […]


  10. […] We are already huge fans of Ashley’s blog and her new line of cookie mixes. This festive Christmas cookie is available as a mix to buy, she has included the recipe so you can whip them up from scratch if you choose. To learn how to make vanilla salt (it’s super easy) read this tutorial. […]


  11. […] Homemade Vanilla Extract & Homemade Vanilla Salt […]


  12. […] the main kitchen shelf are a few of my favorite everyday staples. From left to right: Homemade Bourbon Vanilla Extract, Vanilla Salt, Crushed Red Pepper Flakes (from the Indian market because they have the best and […]


  13. […] thisis a really awesome weekend DIY! Simple, easy, photographicable, and fun… also, who […]


  14. […] the main kitchen shelf are a few of my favorite everyday staples. From left to right: Homemade Bourbon Vanilla Extract, Vanilla Salt, Crushed Red Pepper Flakes (from the Indian market because they have the best and […]


  15. […] buttered pecans, and homemade (extra bourbon-y) vanilla extract. It’s all a very good […]


  16. […] buttered pecans, and homemade (extra bourbon-y) vanilla extract. It’s all a very good […]


  17. […] used this Vanilla Sea Salt I made a few months back. You can use any coarse sea salt you have on hand. Just a sprinkle […]


  18. […] used this Vanilla Sea Salt I made a few months back. You can use any coarse sea salt you have on hand. Just a sprinkle […]


  19. […] part pie. I’m also fairly certain that honey runs through my veins. And so here we are… withVanillaSea Saltin […]


  20. […] lately! Chocolate, chocolate and more made it and I just saw vanilla extract and vanilla salt on Joy the Baker. Trend of the season perhaps? – I am all over this naan pizza thing! – Ok, how cool are these […]


  21. […] I’m also fairly certain that honey runs through my veins. And so here we are… with Vanilla Sea Saltin tow. […]


  22. […] I’m also fairly certain that honey runs through my veins. And so here we are… with Vanilla Sea Saltin tow. […]


  23. […] DIY Vanilla Salt and Vanilla Extract […]


  24. […] can make those yourself. The basic formula is about one teaspoon flavorings to 1/4 cup salt. From vanilla salt to wild mushroom salt to Meyer Lemon salt, the options are literally […]


  25. […] 16.Vanilla extract or vanilla salt. You can do the same and make vanilla sugar. Oh yes. […]


  26. […] 16.Vanilla extract or vanilla salt. You can do the same and make vanilla sugar. Oh yes. […]


  27. […] to give as Christmas gifts to family, friends and neighbors. I followed the directions I found on Joy the Baker and used the bottles and ingredients she suggested. The labels are from Avery. Through the […]


  28. […] is so simple, it hardly needs a recipe, but here’s a good place to start, from Joy the Baker. Make sure you get good vanilla beans, not the shriveled […]


  29. […] read this blog, but you know what? I love it so much I’m doing it anyway. As soon as I saw this homemade vanilla extract recipe on Joy the Baker, I knew one late-November Sunday would be spent making little bottles of brown goodness. All you […]


  30. […] DIY Vanilla Salt and Vanilla Extract […]


  31. […] Vanilla Salt – who woulda thunk!? […]


  32. […] and very useful DIY that make perfect little […]


  33. […] Joy the Baker […]


  34. […] Joy the Baker […]


  35. […] Joy the Baker […]


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DIY Vanilla Salt and Vanilla Extract (2024)


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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

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Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.